Things I like

In addition to IT, there are many other things I’m fond of.

Movies and series

There is a reason why my initial career was in subtitling: I have a passion for cinema. When I was young, I felt frustrated that I couldn’t watch all the movies I wanted. VHS tapes were expensive, and going to the theater was both expensive and impractical. I couldn’t have been happier when the internet revolutionized entertainment, making movies and series increasingly accessible through streaming services.

I can genuinely appreciate any genre, provided the movie boasts a compelling storyline and captivating cinematography. Among my favorite directors, listed in no particular order, are Christopher Nolan, Quentin Tarantino, George Lucas, J.J. Abrams, Matt Groening, Robert Rodriguez, James Cameron, and the Wachowskis.

Tabletop role-playing games

I’ve been playing TRPGs since I was a teenager. The game system is unimportant, whether it is Dungeons & Dragons or ICRPG, the essence of TRPGs lies in sheer creativity and storytelling. My friends and I have conjured up countless tales and universes over the years. You might think people can get tired of gathering around a table to make up stories with one another, but apart from a few breaks, I’ve never become bored of being a dungeon master.


Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been playing video games. My favourite genres are RTS, RPG, adventure and sandbox games, but I can enjoy any great title. For example, I generally hate rogue-like games, but loved Hades thanks to its incredible story and replayability.

Having fallen to greed and microtransactions, the video game industry is not really going in the right direction these past years, but there are still some gems to be found (love you Larian Studios!).

Magic: The Gathering

Released in 1993, Magic: the Gathering has likely been the most influential trading card game of all time. The sheer depth of the game is staggering, allowing for deckbuilding in a ton of different formats which has kept me engaged in one way or another for over 15 years.

I used to be a tournament judge for the game and traveled internationally to Grand Prix and Pro Tour events. Now, Magic is just one of my many hobbies that I enjoy the most with my friends.

Work in progress

There are a ton more things I love and want to talk about, come back here later for more content!